chad delp says “remember to say thank you”

so last week

I decided to keep track of how many Thank Yous I received for holding the door open

it was bad.

I was able to hold the door for 36 people in a 2 day span

i got 4 thank yous

and 2 smiles(those could have been thank yous, i wasn’t sure if these two women spoke English). I am counting them. smiles are fine

yes it was 4 old women that said thank you

i guess it is time to start reminding people in a less subtle way

I will start saying in a sarcastic/mean voice…”oh you are welcome ”

then if that doesn’t work..follow them around and hold the door closed..

you couldn’t say thank you fuck you. this door is close. sometime nice guys turn bad…they can only take so much

hell, 80s video games even had thank yous

does it really hurt to say thank you

so you people that have little ones, teach them this and remember it yourself

cooking with chad delp

so today i had a  hodgepodge of veggies and I decided to make a different pasta salad

first i cooked the pasta..i mixed two different kinds..because it is a fun cooking day

because I dont waste time. while pasta was cooking i took the red peppers, orange and green peppers and chopped them up

then chopped up onions as well(there is no crying in my kitchen..unless you get a paper cut)

got out some other items I would need as well

I then used my Olive oil and sauteed the chopped veggies

after all the cooking. i let everything cool down before mixing

I added chopped tomatoes, cheese cubes, olives, Garlic powder, Italian seasoning, more olive oil red vinaigrette and some Parmesan cheese..mixed it all together and put it in the fridge for a few hours before testing

well I can safely say it is good..i like it. i plan on eating it

sometimes you just have to go with the flow cooking and have fun with it…it will be consumed during the big game tomorrow. if my gaming group shows up they can try it.

best things in life

so I was sick as hell all last week and last weekend. Thanks Nerd-ebola

well i had to do manly outdoor things when I was sick as hell.

we had a snow storm coming in so stuff had to get done. I chopped wood for the fire place.

then it slowly started adding up

then finally all nice and neatly stacked

i ended up with 2 (completely split) 5 foot high, 1 foot deep and 6 foot long stacks of fire wood. i am pretty bad ass

so next

Put away all fall items and put together my snow blower and make sure it would run

then had to shovel(snow blow) the 0.25 mile drive way

so last weekend was a busy weekend

so as for my title..the best things in life are not free….they are the ones you have to work your behind off for.

this weekend i went away for a mini work trip..i may post about that later